There is an additional charge for each additional person who sits in on a 1:1 reading even if they aren't expecting a reading. The additional charge can be found under 'Rates' for each offering.
Individual Reading
In-person or via phone: Monday/Tuesday - phone/video only; closed Wednesday; Thursday through Sunday - in person, phone, video
Price is based upon reading for '1' person being present at the reading; see 'Rates' for charges for addtl people who want to be present during the reading
If reading is done by phone, customer will call the Reader.
The charges are the same regardless of the delivery method.
Customer will define the length of the reading prior to the beginning of the meeting.
If the customer requests additional time once the reading begins then it should be understood that the additional time is subject to additional charges.
PLEASE NOTE: In order to ensure there are no appointment conflicts your session time begins at the scheduled time
$60 / 30 minutes
$80 / 40 minutes
1 - hour appointments are for 1+ persons only, $110 for the first person and $80 for each addtl person (see below)
Additional $25 for every 15 minutes after scheduled time
If more than 1 person is present then each additional person is:
$40 / 30 minutes
$60 / 40 minutes
$80 / 1 hr.
Additional $20 for every 15 minutes after 1 hr.
Payment Methods Accepted:
Credit/Debit card (I use Square Card Reader which is safe and secure)
NO CHECKS please